Dairymaster are a dairy equipment and technology manufacturer based in Kerry. The aim of the collaboration with Lero is to build new technologies for them and to optimise their existing technologies. This project contains 4 PhDs, 3 PostDocs and 2 researchers spread across UL, ITT and Dairymaster HQ. More specifically, strand 1 of this project concerns the optimisation of the 'MooMonitor', a cow activity/fertility monitoring device. Dairymaster currently only used this device to detect when a cow has entered estrus. However, as a 24/7 monitoring device, they wish to detect other health or illness events a cow is experiencing. Strand 2 concerns the identification of the weight of milk by means of the sound it makes in a pipe. Also, work has been done on object detection and outlier identification.


Our Team

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Conor Ryan


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Aidan Murphy

